5 Benefits of Spiritual Fasting

Holy Habits Fasting

Have you ever thought about fasting before? Have you ever been scared to fast? Maybe you have even asked the question, “What’s the point of fasting?” 

Well, you are not alone. Fasting can seem like a strange thing to do at first, but the benefits can literally be…life changing! 

Fasting is not about food, it’s about focus. Fasting allows us to focus on God. And when we are able to clearly focus on God, that’s when the magic happens and numerous spiritual benefits take place.

Before we proceed with outlining 5 Spiritual Benefits that take place when you fast, we also must give a warning. While fasting is an amazing practice for growing closer to Jesus, it is also something that should not be undertaken by everyone. If you have ever experienced any sort of eating disorder, are underweight, have health concerns, or concerns in general, fasting with food should be avoided. Additionally, please consult your Doctor if you have any concerns as well. If you are unable to fast with food, that is nothing to be ashamed of! We are all on our own Spiritual Journey and there are other ways you can experience similar benefits. One way is giving up something other than food like your cell phone and “fasting” from that. But again, there is no shame in opting out of fasting with food, always do what is best for your health first.

When undertaking a fast, remember that fasting is refraining from something physical to gain something spiritual. There is not one right way to fast, but instead there are many different options. For most people we recommend fasting for 24 hours. 

Why 24 hours? Well this is not too short but also not too long of a time. During these 24 hours you should not eat anything, but do still drink water! By not eating anything during these 24 hours you will no doubt be a little hungry. Let your hunger trigger you to pray and grow closer to God.

Prayer is the key to Fasting. Without prayer and talking to God, fasting is simply a worldly act like a fad diet. Once prayer is added to the mix everything changes. In fact, Jesus said some miracles can only happen through prayer and fasting, not by prayer alone (Matthew 17:21). 

So, pray, pray, pray! But also don’t just fast and pray to gain something from God. Fast and pray to pursue God and grow closer to him. You want a RELATIONSHIP with God. A relationship should not be one sided, where you just ask for everything and expect God to do things for you. You want a relationship that is deeper…an eternal relationship.

Still not convinced if fasting is worth it? Here are 5 Spiritual Benefits that can come from fasting!

  1. Fasting can cleanse your Soul.

  2. Fasting can spark a new rejuvenated desire for God.

  3. Fasting can bring about deeper praise.

  4. Fasting can clear your mind to focus and hear God’s voice.

  5. Fasting can remind you how much you NEED God.

These Spiritual Benefits are amazing and a gift from God. If you are even slightly thinking about or considering fasting, check out https://lessons.church/forministryresources/holyhabits/fasting for more details.

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